to be in dispute to have a serious disagreement with another person - spór disqualify - to stop someone from doing sth, usually for a fixed time distinct and separate - morę than dissimilar distorted - zniekształcony

distress - to make somebody veiy upset or unhappy

dividend - a part of a companys profit tliat is divided among the people with shares in the company - dywidenda

divorce - the legał ending of a marriage - rozwód divulge - reveal - odkryć, ujawnić

dock pay - to keep part of someone's salary as a punishment because person did sth wrong do it from scratch - do it from the beginning

dominate - to control someone or something or to have morę importance than other people or tłungs.

dominant position - dominating position - dominująca pozycja

I don’t hołd out too much hope - nie dawać za dużo nadziei

draft - szkic projektu - to draft/ honour/breach a contract

to draft a document - to write a first, rough version of a document

drav on to - wykorzystać

to be due - should be done, required

duły - properly, correctly

duress - illegal or unfair threats

duty of carc - a duty to take care and do not harm anyone by your actions

dwelling - a term used to describe the place where someone lives, for example a house or fiat


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