gag - to try to stop someone talking about sth, or writłng sth
garnishcc - osoba, u której dokonano zajęcia wierzytelności stanowiącej własność dłużnika
gavel - the smali wooden Hammer used by the judge to cali the court to order - młotek
gazump - if you are gazumped, the person who is sellingyou a house sells it to another
person who offers them morę money
generate - to produce or create sth
to gct good riddancc - dostać krzyż na drogę
to get a move on - to do sth
to get sth over with - to complete sth unpleasant
going concern = working business - noun to describe a company which continues to exist, on
the same grounds and with the same workers after purchase
give rise - give reason
give somcbody a hand pomóc komuś
gloss over - to avoid taking about sth we don't want t talk
going concern - a business which is currently and actively trading
goodwill - good reputation + clients
grace - a favour granted to someone in order to give liim or her extra time to do sth
grant - to give someone something or allow them to have something tliat they have asked for
- wyrazić zgodę na, udzielić
gratuity - a tip, money given to someone such as taxi driver who gave good service grievance procedurę - wliat an employee must do if he or she is unhappy at works and wants to complain to the employer grievance complaint
gross - a gross sum of money is the total a moim t before any tax or costs have been taken away - brutto
gross misconduct - very bad beliavior, such as stealing money from the employer the grounds - the reason for going to court - podstawy
guarantor the name given to a person who promises to pay for something if the person who should pay fails to do it - poręczyciel
guidelines mles or instruedons about the best way to do something, wytyczne