illegal - not legał, against law
with immediate effect - z natychmiatowym skutkiem impart - to pass information or knowledge
impartial - not biased or prejudiced in any way, treating everyone equally - bezstronny imposc - if someone in authority imposes a nile, piuiishment, tax etc, tliey force people to accept it
impound - if the police or law courts impound sometliing you have or own, they keep it imtil
it has been decided that you can have it back = confiscate, seize, hołd
impunity - without piuiishment
in accordance with - in agrement with
in an attempt - with aim to do sth
in a fuli and finał scttlement - w pełnym i ostatecznym rozliczeniu in rcspect of - regarding, conceming
in transit - the process of moving goods or people from one place to another. in the cvcnt of - in case, w przypadku inattention - nieuwaga
including without limitation - łącznie ale bez ograniczeń incumbrances - third party rights incurred - suffered, experienced by
indemnify - [+ against/for] to promise to pay someone if sometliing they own is damaged or lost, [+ for] to pay someone money because of loss, injuiy, or damage that they have suffered indictment - an official written statement charging someone with a criminal offence infringe - to break a law, or do sth that is contraiy to another person’s right - naruszyć inherit - to acquired sth from a person who has died - dziedziczyć inheritance - money, property etc that you receive from someone who has died - spadek inhouse lawyer - lawyer employed in a company initial ratę - normal ratę
injunction - a court order compelling someone to stop doing sth or to prevent him or her prom doing sth - nakaz sądowy
inland revenue - the govemment department wliich collects national taxes in Britain - tax office
inquest - an inquiiy by a special judge known as coroner to decide how someone died -dochodzenie przyczyn śmierci
insolvent - not iiaving enougli money to pay what you owe
instalment - one payment out of a number of payment into wliich an amount of money, especially a debt, is divided. - rata
intangible used to describe sth that cannot be touched - nienamacalny
inter alia- among others
interest on the loan - odsteki od pożyczki
interim order - temporary order - zarządzenie tymczasowe
interna 1 market - rynek wewnętrzny
invoice - a list of goods that have been supplied or work that lias been done, showing how much you owe for tliem - faktura
irrclevant used to describe sth tat is not important or relevant to a situation - niezwiazany z tematem