
r (?

True False Correct

Marks for this submission: 1/1.

Quesbon 8

The holders of the Polish Charter are not entitled to social help.


a c

Prawda Fałsz Correct

Marks for this submission: 1/1.

Question 9

Until 2010 a migration policy doctrine in Poland was not clearly or directly expressed.


^ T C C ,

True False Correct

Marks for this submission: 1/1.

Quesbon 10

The first and second waves of repatriates took place in the 1940s and in the 1950s, and comprised roughly 20 000 immigrants.




Prawda Fałsz Correct

Marks for this submission: 1/1.

Quesbon 11

1997, was an important year in the Polish migration policy. sińce Poland signed the Geneva Convenbon and a number of important readmission agreements with the Schengen countries.


r <?

Prawda    Fałsz


Marks for this submission: 1/1.

Quesbon 12

The most commonly used procedures of acąuisition of Polish citizenship is acknowledgement procedurę.


r    r?

Prawda    Fałsz


Marks for this submission: 1/1.

Quesbon 13

The last development concerning "foreign Poles" is the Polish Charter.




r?    r


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