To install your Oracle Database software, use Oracle Universal Installcr (OUI). OUI is a graphical uscr intcrfacc ulility that cnablcs you to install new Oracle Database software. Online Help is available to guide you through the installalion process.
During the installalion process. you are given the opportunity to crcale a database. If you choosc to do so. then OUI aulomalically starts Oracle Database Configuralion Assistant (DBCA) to guide you through the process of creating and configuring a database.
Bcforc you start the installalion process. sec the following seclions for information about prcrcquisitcs and installalion choices:
■ Checking Preretjuisites
■ Dcciding on Installalion Choices
If you do not crcatc a database during installalion. then you musi run DBCA at somc point after installalion to create a database.