To connect to an Oracle database from a Client Computer using easy connect naming:

1.    Complete thc steps in "Configuring the Operating System Environment Variables” on page 3-2.

2.    Do one of the following to start SQL*Plus:

■(UNIX, Linux, or Windows systems) Open a command window and enter the following command:


■(Windows systems only) Click Start, selcct Programs (or Ali Programs), then Oracle - HOME_NAME, then Application Development, and then SQL*Plus.

3.    When prompted. enter thc uscr name followed by an at sign (@) and a connect identificr. whcrc thc connect identifier has thc following format:

"host[ :pori] [/service_name) [ :server] [/instancejiame) "

The place holdcrs used in the connect identifier format represent: mhost — thc name or IP address of thc Oracle database host Computer.

Both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses arc supported. IPv6 addresses must be cncloscd in square brackets. See Oracle Database Net Services Administrator^ Guide for information about IPv6 addressing.

mport (optional) — the TCP port number on which the Oracle Net listener listens for connections.


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