This scction providcs instructions about vicwing thc initialization paramctcr scttings for your databasc and modifying thcse parameters. You can modify the initialization parameters for thc databasc in one of three ways:
■Until thc instance is shut down: The new values for the initialization parameters are applied to thc currently running instance. but, when the databasc is restarted, the initialization paramctcr values revert to their previous settings.
■From now until the initialization paramctcr is changed again: The changes are applied to the currently running instance and are also stored in the server parameter file. The changes madę to the initialization parameters persist when the database is restarted.
■When the database is restarted: The new values for the initialization parameters are recorded in server parameter file, but are not applied to the currently running instance. The changes take effect only when the database is restarted.