and matriarchat© with agriculture. This division raises many doubts, because with some nomadic tribes strong features of matriarchat© ar© to b© found (Tuaregs). Concerning th© right of ownership of th© land w© find already in v©ry primitiy© groups boundaries not having a magical character, which separat© th© individual areas from ©ach other (Australians, Pigmies). Th© right of ownership in a given area belongs to th© inhabitants of it (family, elan, local group). Th© members of th© trib© generally have the right to us© th© pastures or hunting grounds, most often on permission of the ruling group. In th© desert, desert itself forms res nullius, nevertheless th© ueds or the pastures ar© consi-dered th© property of individual persons (Azdjer).

The right of ownership on movable goods is individual. In some groups w© find customs of commensuality (Australia) which restrict this law, or survivals of them, which is probably con-nected with th© solidarity of smali groups based on nomadism. Finally there remain customs arising from th© demographic conflict between a smali food capacity and considerable fertility. Her© we find a spread of infanticide in som© of th© discussed groups and such lik©, as actions permitted ©n th© on© hand, whil© on the other a limitation of sexual activity or fertility (kalym) authorised by custom.

<3. KOSTRZEWSKI J.: Kurhany kultury unietyckiej w Małych Łękach, w pow. kościańskim. (Grabhugel der Aunjetitzer Kultur in Lęki Małe, Bezirk Kościan). Seance du 9 mars 1934.

Unter den sparlichen und rasch der Zerstorung anheimfal-lenden prahistorischen Grabhiigeln in GroC-Poien treton di© mach-tigen Grabhugel in Łęki Mai©, Kreis Kościan (ehemals Śmigiel), in den Vordergrund, di© an dem vielleicht nach ihnen benannten Fluss© Mogilnica gelegen sind. Noch im Jahr© 1881 gab ©s ©lf solche Grabhugel, gegenwartig sind nur vier, in einer Reih© lie-gende Htigel erhalten, von denen der hochste di© Hohe von 6 m erreicht. Seit jeher dacht© man iiber di© Bestimmung und di© Zeit der Aufschiittung jener Grabhugel nach, wobei man diesbeziiglich di© verschiedensten Hypothesen laut werden liefi, jedoch konnt© nur di© Ausgrabung der Grabhugel di© endgultige Antwort in


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