• statement of die problem
contents (depend on die materiał, skills) format and timing instructions (brief, unambiguous) criteria levels of performance scoring procednres
Tlie following gpupral principles niiist Ih» observe<l u hen roiistriifling a langnage test:
1) tlie principle of yalidity - i.e. ma king surę diat die measurements and assessments we obtain reflect what we want diem to reflect
2) die principle of scope - i.e. making surę diat we measure or assess all die varied components of foreign language competence and skills
3) die principle of efficiency - i.e. obtaining die best assessments widiin limits of time and resources available for die construction and administration of die assessments
4) die principle of reliability - i.e. a measure of degree to which a test gives consistent results
al terna te response item e.g. true/false, yes/no, A/B
- fixed response item/close-ended response e.g. multiple choice free response item/open-ended response
structured response item - some eon troi or guidance is given for answer Differenł types of tests:
true/false test - acceptance or rejection of a statement or utterance lieard or read multiple choice test fill-in-die-blank test
- matdiing test