2)    The World* Grealest Fa: A Hislory ol Nitrogen and Agrcullure. GJ Leiflh, 2004. OUP. Oidord. UK.

ISBN 0-19-516582-9

3)    Websile: hnp7/homepa®e.ntlwortd.com/ jeHery.loiaM^rytheJilml

4)    Dmitrogen Cteavage and Functionalization by Carbon Monoxide Promoted by a Halnium Complex. OJ Knobloch. E Lobkovsl<y. and PJ Chnk. Naturę Chemistry. Jan 2010.2 (1). 30

5)    Chemistry and Industry. 11 Jan 2010.10

6)    Dinitrogen Cleavage by a Three Coordinate Motybdenum (III) Complex. CE Laplaza and CC Cummins. Soence. 1995.268.861

Platinum market to slide into deficit in 2010

BNP Paribas expects the platinum market to slide into deficit of 410,000 ounces in 2010, after an estimated surplus of 155,000 ounces in 2009. Sales of platinum for use in automotive catalysts are expected to increase 21% to 3 M ounces. This would still be noticeably down on the 4.14 M ounces of 2007. Use in jewellery production rosę from 1.35 M ounces in 2008 to 2.45 M ounces in 2009. Output will be 7 M ounces in 2010

Nachrichten tur Aussenhandel. 22 Dec 2009 (Websile: http://www.nta-online.de) (in German)

World beating biotechnolog ies: wbite technology has the potential to save the planet from climate change

White or industrial biotechnology has the capability to save 1-2.5 bn tonne/y of greenhouse gas emissions by 2030, according to WWF and based on Novozymes’ peer-reviewed research. The white technology market is expected to have a compound growth ratę (CAGR) of 12% over the next few years. Even though there is a major difference in projections, even the most negative forecast indicates that white technology will expand morę rapidly compared with the Chemical sector. Starting in 2010, Novozymes will be ready to market its cellulosic ethanol process. New cellulosic processes have the potential to tri ple ethanol output/hectare. US biotech company Amyris plans to use its modified yeast pathway to produce a biodiesel that is a hydrocarbon fuel similar to Petroleum fuels. The amount of biomass-derived energy should double to 200,000 tonnes of oil equivalent in 2020 from 88,000 tonnes of oil equivalent in 2006 to meet the EU’s Renewable Energy Directive.

Chemistry and Industry (London). 23 Nov 2009. (22). 24-25

Nexant examines algae production as sustainable source for biofuels

A newty published Nexant study, Algae: Emerging Options for Sustainable Biofuels, examines the entire rangę of leading algae technology and participants around the world. It covers a rangę of technical approaches for utilising algae, from open ponds to closed reactors, and based on either C0photosynthesis or sugar feedstocks. Fuel products evaluated include biodiesel, ethanol, and methane. as well as other co-products or services such as foods, feeds, nutraceuticals, fertilizers, CO? recycling to fuels, and water treatment.

Press release from: Nexani Inc. 101. Second Street. 11th Floor. San Francisco. CA 94105 3672. USA. Tel: ♦1 415 3691000. Fax: +1 415 369 9700. Websile: http//www.nexant.com (18 Dec 2009)

Biofuel policy gets Indian government nod

The Union Cabinet has approved the national biofuel policy that aims at developing indigenous biomass feedstock for production of biofuels. The Cabinet has also approved the setting up of a National Coordination Committee besides a Biofuel Steering Committee to oversee the impłementation of the policy. The Government plans to encourage use of waste land unsuitable for agriculture to produce non-food feedstock for biofuels. The policy proposes to set a target of 20% blending of biofuels by 2017. In Oct 2008, the Government of India madę it mandatory to blend 10% ethanol with petrol. The biofuel policy has proposed financial incentives for second grade biofuels like cellulosic ethanol and algal biodiesel.

Business Standard. 25 Dec 2009.12(151). 1.5

Bayer and Dow agree biodiesel tech deal

Dow Chemical and Bayer have entered into a licensing deal covering the global marketing of Bayer’s biodiesel manufacturing platform. BayFAME is a free fatty acids (FFA)-to-biodiesel esterification process that employs Dow‘s AMBERLYST BD20 catalyst. The process is claimed to enable conversion of any FFA-bearing feedstock into fatty acid methyl ester (FAMĘ biodiesel), without compromising yield loss, acids. and waste.

ICIS Chemical Business. 14 Dec 2009 (Websile http^Acischemialbisinesscom) & Chimie Pharma Hebdo. 14 Dec 2009. (490). 5 (in French)

Addrtional major investment at Borealis lnnovation Headąuarters in Linz

Following on from the €50 M in the expansion of the international lnnovation Headquarters in Linz, Borealis, a leading provider of Chemical and innovative plastics Solutions, plans an additional investment of €75 M in Upper Austria, setting the next milestone in the development of the plastics region. The investment in a semi-commercial plant for catalysts in Linz allows Borealis to undertake the necessary development work as well as producing semi-commercial batches for the first phase in the development process. This requires a close alignment with the new, recently started-up Borstar pilot plant in Schwechat (investment €30 M).

Press release Irom: Borealis AG. IZD Tower. Waoramerstrasse 17-19. A-1220 Vienna. Austria. Tel: ♦43 1 22 400 302. Fax +43 1 22 400 333. Websae: hltp7/www.borealisoroupcom (14 Dec 2009) & Chimie Pharma Hebdo. 21 Dec 2009. (491). 6 (m French)

Braskem and Novozymes to make ‘green’ plastic

Braskem and Novozymes have announced a research parlnership to develop large-scale production of polypropylene from sugarcane. "Braskem was the first company in the world to produce a 100% certified



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