developmenl of cellulosic ethanol and to expand ethanol production from the US Midwest com belt to other regions of the country. In addition, Bush reinforced his backing of biodiesel research and hydrogen fuel celi development.

łClS Chemical Business. 23 Ocł 2006 (Weteile:


Argentina's economy looks to biofuels

Argentina could become one of the world’s leading biofuels producers. Over a dozen companies have announced investment in biofuels plants totalling over S300 M. Industry experts expect investment of $1 bn by 2010. A law passed in May 2006 requires that fuels contain 5% of biofuels from 2010. Foreign markets are of interest to Argentina. Production costs for biofuels in Argentina are €0.54-0.59/litre, compared with €0.62/litre in Europę. Argentina is offering tax benefits for projects that are accepted by the authorities. Domestic demand for biodiesel could reach 600,000 tonne/y by 2010, that for bioethanol 160,000 tonne/y. Investment projects of up to S285 M had been announced by Oct 2006.

NacłincNenlur Aussen handel. 30 Oct 2006 (Websile: http://www.nla-onhne.de) (in German)

Meeting market needs in timety manner: the catalyst industry in Japan

Japan’s catalyst market continued to post record breaking results in shipments and output for the seventh year in a row through 2005.

Shipments of the materials expanded by 8% year-on-year at 106,263 tonnes. valued at over Yen 300 bn ($2.6 bn). The sector also recorded an 8% year-on-year increase in production to 106,732 tonnes. Double-digit growths recorded in catalysts for oil refining and environmental protection products propelled the overall market. Demand for most products, including petrochemical catalysts and oil refining catalysts, remained firm. Morę stringent environmental standards, particularly those related to emission, bolstered the market for auto-exhaust catalysts. Catalyst makers continue to look into new applications. Individual strategies and projects by Catalysts and Chemicals, Sud-Chemie, and

Kawaken Fine Chemicals were also discussed. A table presents buoyant catalyst business in 2005, including production and deliveries.

Japan Chemical Week, 28 Sep 2006. 47 (2385). 4-6

Hungary: numerous investments in biofuels

Hungary was not able to reach its own and EU-prescribed levels for the proportion of biofuels in fuels in 2005. Morę foreign investment is now to be brought into the country by 2010. Production capacity is currently limited and is focused on the production of ETBE. This is mainly used by MOL to improve octane number. Bioethanol production in the new plants will be over 800,000 tonne/y from 2010. Four projects planned by Sweden’s Sekab will alone account for 480,000 tonnes. 75% of the bioethanol is to be exported. Sekab will invest a total of €350 M in the four new plants. which are due onstream in 2008/2009. The MOL group is to erect 150,000 tonne/y biodiesel capacity. MOL and Austria’s Rossi Biofuel are to invest €40 M in the project by 2008. 10-15% of the biodiesel will be produced from okJ cooking oil. Mabio Zrt wants to produce at least 120 M litre/y of bioethanol. United Biofuels has half a dozen bioethanol projects in preparation for Hungary. Investment at each site is provisionally put at €70 M.

Nachrichlen lur Aussenhandeł. 23 Oct 2006 (Weteile: http^/www.nla-online.de) (in German)

Enzymes for biofuels remain a growth area for Novozymes

The US is the driving market for biofuels, and Novozymes expects to produce 20-25% morę biofuels in 2006 than in 2005. During 2006, around 30 new biofuels production plants will be built, increasing capacity by 30%. The US accounts for some 90% of biofuel production using enzymes. Factors driving developments stateside include a desire to reduce the country’s reliance on oil, and increased environmental awareness in US society. In Europę, Norway’s Statoil announced in May 2006 that it would be replacing its standard 95-octane gasoline in Denmark with Bio95, a blend which contains 5% bioethanol. The Danish government has also earmarked DKR 200 M for research into biomass. There are currently seven EU countries producing biofuels, including Germany. Spain and the UK. The EU will also be publishing a biomass action plan at the end of 2006. In the Far East, China currently accounts for around 5%of global biofuel production. As the country is a net importer of both oil and maize, which is the raw materiał for the first generation of biofuels, there is a dear incentive to develop second-generation biofuels in China. At the end of Jun 2006, Novozymes entered into a biomass-to-ethanol research agreement with China Resources Alcohol Corp.

Tlw Zymes (Nowzymes- Shareholder Magazine), Sep 2006.1-2 (The Zymes. No vo zymes MS. Krogshoivej 36.2880 Bagszaerd. Denmark. Tet *45 8824 9999. Fax: *45 8824 9998 E-mai: thezyme$©novazyme$.com. Website: httpy/www.novazym es.com)

Albemarle announces 3Q 2006 results

Albemarle Corp reported record net income of $60.7 M for 3Q ended Sep 2006, excluding the charge that relates to the divestiture of the Thann facility (net income of $26.3 M in 3Q ended Sep 2005). Including the $89.2 M Thann charge, net income for 3Q 2006 was $2.3 M. The company reported record quarterly net sales of $607.8 M for 3Q 2006. Net income, excluding the Thann charge and other special items, for nine months ended Sep 2006 was S138.4 M (net income excluding special items of $80.5 M for nine months ended Sep 2005). Including the Thann charge and other special items, net income for nine months of 2006 was $80 M (net income of $82.7 M including the Thann and other charges). Net sales for nine months of 2006 were $1.784 bn (+17% over nine months of 2005). The Polymer Additives segment recorded net sales of $240.7 M for 3Q 2006 and segment income of $38.6 M. For 3Q 2006, the Catalysts segment recorded net sales of $217.4 M and segment income of $38.2 M. For 3Q 2006, Fine Chemicals segment net sales were $149.7 M and segment income was $16.2 M.



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