analyst firm, global demand for catalysts used in the refining industry is set to grow to about $3.7 bn in 2011 and then go on to reach $4.8 bn in 2015, as the price of Petroleum begins to increase once morę under new mflationary economic pressures and environmental demands. Despite the economic downtum, ever-tightening sulfur restrictions on fuel, a Shift toward Processing heavier and dirtier feedstock, and the increasing demand for diesel fuel, will continue to boost demand for specialized catalysts, such as FCC catalysts that favour the production of propylene, and hydrocracking catalysts that boost diesel yield. By 2011, for example, the market for hydrocracking catalysts will be $150 M, primarily as a result of the increased demand for diesel. New forms of fuel will also boost the catalyst market. For example. the rise of synthetic fuels manufactured by Fischer-Tropsch will increase the demand for catalysts as will greater investment in gas-to-liquid processes. By 2011 we expect the global demand for Fischer-Tropsch catalysts to be $469 M, rising to $1.3 bn in 2015. Price from $2395.

Press release from: NanoMarkets. LC. PO Box 3840. Glen AHen. VA 23058. USA. Tel: *1804-270-7010.

Fax +1 804-270-7017. Website: www.nanomarkets.nel (26 Jan 2009)

Platinum 2008 interim wiew: platinum: autocatalyst

Gross autocatalyst demand is forecast to be 4.23 M oz in 2008, an increase of only 85,000 oz from the previous year. A heavy fali in vehicle output in North America will depress platinum demand there by 305,000 oz. However, this will not offset the healthy rise in platinum use in the European diesel sector. Production growth in markets such as Brazil, China, India, and Russia will also support total platinum use. A table gives platinum demand for autocatalysts in 2007 and 2008 in Europę, Japan, North America. China, and the Rest of the World.

Johnson Matthey Platinum. Nov 2008 (2008 interim review). 16 (Johnson Matthey PLC. Precious Metals Marketing. Orchard Road. Roysion, Herttordshre SG8 5HE. UK. lei: *44 (0)1763 256315. Fax: *44 (0)1763 256338. Website http://www.pla tinum.matthey.com)

Platinum 2008 interim review: platinum: autocatalyst recovery

970,000 oz of platinum shoukj be recovered from spent autocatalysts in 2008, an increase of 7.2% from 2007. High pgm prices in the first half of 2008 encouraged collection of these catalysts from scrapped vehicles and the percentage of end-of-life autocatalysts which are recyded has risen. In the maturę North American market, 625,000 oz of platinum should be recovered this year. In Europę, the amount of platinum reclaimed is expected to rise strongly to 245,000 oz, reflecting the increasing number of end-of-life catalysed diesel vehicles being scrapped.

Johnson MaRhey PWinum. Nov 2006 (2008 interim review), 17 (Johnson Matthey PLC. Precious Metals Marketing, Orchard Road, Roysion, Hertlordshre SG8 5HE, UK. Tel: *44 (0)1763 256315. Fax: *44 (0)1763 256338. Website: htlp://www platinum.mattheycom)

Companies to implement advanced cellulosic technology

AE Biofuels Inc has signed a strategie agreement with Merrick & Co to commerdally implement AE Biofuels’ patent-pending enzyme-based technology for the conversion of non-food biomass into ethanol and other materials through the design of new biofuels facilities or the conversion of existing biofuels facilities. Merrick is a leading provider of engineering and architectural design-build. procurement, constnjction management, and geospatial services. Under the terms of the agreement. AE Biofuels and Merrick will work to rapidly deploy AE Biofuels’ next-generation biofuels technology to address the significant demand for cellulosic ethanol created by the revised Renewable Fuels Standard (RFS).

Press release trom: AE Biofuels Inc. 20400, Slevens Creek Boulevard, Suitę 700, Cupertino, CA 95014. USA. lei: +1 408 213 0940. Fax: +1 408 252 8014. Website: http://www.aebiofuels.com (26 Mar 2009)

BASF 2008: catalysts

At €4.729 bn, BASF’s Catalysts Division’s sales to third parties almost matched their 2007 levels despite significant negative currency effects (-6%) and a 4% decline in sales by volume. Prices were up by 8%. Exduding currency effects, sales would have increased by 4%. The division increased sales of Chemical and refinery catalysts. In 2008, the market environment for automotive catalysts was difficult due to the dramatic decline in automotive production, in particular in N America and Europę. In contrast. BASF increased volumes and sales in emerging markets, particulariy in Asia Pacific. As a result of higher average prices for precious metals, the Precious and Base Metal Services unit increased its sales by 3% to €2.467 bn. Income from operations was below its 2007 level, in particular due to negative currency effects and the especially weak market em/ironment in 4Q. Higher contributions from BASF’s business with Chemical catalysts could not offset the significantly lower earnings from automotive catalysts.

BASF Anmitf Report 2008,12 Mar 2009. 72-73 (BASF SE. D-67056 Ludwigshafen. Germany. Tel: *49 (0) 621 600. Websile: http://www.basl.com)

Dow and Sud-Chemie aim at syngas

Dow Chemical Co has collaborated with Sud-Chemie to conduct research on altemative ways to make Chemicals. The companies are focusing on the production of basie Chemicals from syngas. The existing process for the conversion of the syngas to Chemicals, plastics, and transportation fuels is very expensive. Thus, the companies aim to make this process morę efficient and economically viable using innovative syngas catalysts. Additionally, the jv is also exploring ways for the direct conversion of syngas to olefins. The study which is expected to start in Apr 2009 will be conducted at Dow's Terneuzen, The Netherlands. site and at the Germany- and US-based catalyst R&D centres of Sud-Chemie.

Chemical Engineering WA)rid,31 Jan 2009.44 (1), 60

Dow & Sud-Chemie to jointly develop syngas to olefins process

The direct production of olefins from syngas has yet to be com merdał ized. Three coal-to-olefins (CTO) projects

2 MAY 2009


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