BANK I KREDYT styczeń 2008
- 25 percentile for single adult reuting MII
!5 percentilefornmllipleadult reutingliii
- 25 percentile for siugle minii reuting MII
- 25 percentile for nmlliple adult reuting Uli
(privale transfer to lone parents):
(GSOEP) 2005 for Gemiauy, nnil Household Bndgels Survcy (BBGI)] 2005 for'talami.
Sectiou 6 for eacli of the 13 family profiles, in each case using the three clioseil hourly wages. The advautage of preseuting the results in the form of replacemeut ratios on top of dełailed aualysis of the shape of the budget coustraint lies prnnarily m the relative naturę of these measures. Tliis meaus that on the one liaud, we cau make direot and straighlforward comparisons of attractiveuess to work withm countries for different types of families. On the other hand, from the point of view of the interuatioual comparison, RRs allow easier Gomparative aualysis sińce the reiative measures are independent of exchange rates and purchasing power assumptions.
KKs for single individuals are computed as:
where Yjth_0> is ont-of work income and is
iu-work income of a single adult family j. The results presented here are computed under two in-work scenarios of part-time (20 hours) and full-time (40 liours) work. For couples iii family profiles 0-9 RRs are computed as:
where Yo) is income wlien both partners are out of work and is income in work wheu
the mail Works t hours and the wonieli does not work. The results are agam computed under two m-work scenarios for the mail, of part-time (20 hours) and full-time (40 hours) work.
Similarly for couples m family profiles 10-13 RRs are computed as:
where Yj>hlum40.*,„o) 's income wheu the mau works full-time and tlie woman does not work and Y is iu-work income wheu the man works full-time and the woman works t hours per week (again computed under two in-work scenarios of part-time (20 hours) and full-time (40 hours) work). Computed replacemeut ratios are given in Table 3 for part-time work and Table 4 for full-time work, and detailed discussion of replacemeut ratios is presented in Sectiou 6.1:1
In tliis sectiou we provide a detailed descriptiou of the budget constraints generated for the thirtcen family profiles for each of the countries presented in Figures 1 to 13. A generał overview of the results is given in Sectiou 5.1. Then, in Section 5.2 we focus morę specifically on the type of support exteuded to families with children.
In pauels A, C and E of the thirteeu figures we preseut the different elements of disposable incomes. Where possible we have tried to mark siiuilar compoiients of income with the same colours to make the comparisons easier. Thus, net earuiugs are represeuted by the black