Literatura do rozdziału IV 181
[4] Gartner Dataąuest Forecasts Worldwide Semiconductor Market to Grow 12 Percent in 2003. Analysts Examine Futurę ofthe Semiconductor Industry at Gartner Dataąuest Technology Pipeline Conference. release4330.htm Listopad 2002.
[5] Internet Machines. Our market. only/ourmarket.html Wrzesień 2002.
[6] Internet na świecie i w Polsce.
http://www.monev.p1/NGosp/Internet/W/1026138827.html Lipiec 2002.
[7] MPUs will see 13% growth in 2003. 86 Listopad 2002.
[8] Rynki telekomunikacyjne a recesja.
http://www.monev.p1/NGosp/Analiza/W/1008934729.html Grudzień 2001.
[9] Gwennap L.: $1 billion and still counting. http://www.eet.eom/semi/c/ip/QEG20020701S0038 Lipiec 2002.
[10] Tuck B.: Startup adds heat to market for network processors/switch fabrics. Displav.cfm?Section=Archives&Subsection=Di splay&ARTICLE ID=100617 Maj 2001.
[11] The Linley Group. Network Processor Central. Wrzesień 2002.
[12] What’s up from SEMI - Industry Report. 4 Luty 2002.
Dokumenty elektroniczne
[13] Krnet 2001. The 9lh Korea Internet Conference & Exhibition. http ://w w w. krnet. or. kr/krnet2001/Pdf/A3 -4. pdf Czerwiec 2001.
[14] Network Processors Conference backrounder. Styczeń 2002.
[15] Glaskowsky P. N.: Network Processors Maturę in 2001. Gigabit Chips Ship as Designers Look Forward to lOGb/s. http://www- 1E97BED826E55887256B790054557E /$file/NP Award Feb 02.pdf Luty 2002.