process are provided with tic assistance, Such initiatives

to other tertiary institutions. Currently, we coordinate eight International programmes providing travel grants (i.a. Erasmust, CEEPUS, Eras-mus Mundus). Under these programmes, the University collaborates with nearly 300 academic centres around the

tion institutions from Brazil, Colombia, the USA, South Korea, Hong Kong, Singapore, Taiwan, Kazakhstan, Georgia, Russia. We are waiting for the results of the competition for the exchange with the Bałkan

("Management in Practice", "Meetings with Practice” pro-grammes). Another example is the Corporate Readiness Certif-cate programme, implemented jointly by the University, IBM and ING. We participate in the ABSLAcademy, where we run dasses tailored to the indi-vidual needs of the companies which employ our graduates.

engagement of the Careers Centre, students' organisa-tions and scientific cirdes in the educational cooperation with business representa-workshops, company days at the University, career fairs, competitions for the best master^ thesis, etc. We mustn't underestimate the scholar-ships awarded by the companies which are members of the UE Friends’ Club.

of projects held in foreign languages. We host visit-ing professors from Europę, the USA and Asia. During International Weeks students

ticipate in classes taught by foreign lecturers. We organise educational and scientific conferences, e.g. Euroweek, where students prepare and present research projects in multinational teams. We of-fer students a possibility of studying and doing an intern-

Erasmus Mundus and other yersity can benefit from

projects and the funding it is

Fourth, we have introduced a pilot tutoring programme -students who have the best

almost 90% of our graduates find employment, 7% set up their own businesses, and

Is the tutoring programme, which is taking finał shape, a response to students’ accu-sations ofthe university being too academic and theoretical?

going to focus on an individu-alised entry into the world of business practice, or is it to become one ofthe tools for building the scientific capacity

We have taken other practical

tioned above, in order to tonę

of the University as a purely academic institution. Tutoring, however, is targeted at the youngest students at both bachelor's and master's levels,

ties and a flair for a particular field of study, stand out at the recruitment stage. The

ing the course of the studies should help the students recognise and develop their talents through scientific work when they are still at univer-sity. A modern master-disciple relationship will enable students to verify their expecta-tions about their career paths,

to participate in discussions, write essays, exchange and defend views. Tutoring aims to enhance the attractiveness of studies for the best students, and the system is going to evolve alongside their expec-tations. At present, we are selecting and training the first group of tutors; meetings with the students interested in the programme are bound to start soon, and the first master-disciple meetings are sched-uled for the summer semester 2015/2016.

Professor, the University's motto is “your place, your space, your futurę”. When we

veys, our conversation so far seems to hrwefocused on the first element - the attractive-ness ofthe university offer to the Polish students... well,

operate internationally - such a desire is obvious these days. But let's talk about the International aspect and lifelong education. Are you pro ud of the University’s accomplish-ments in this respect?

world and almost 400 foreign

the internship exchange programmes. Students can take part in international weeks, study visits, summer schools organised by the partner tertiary institutions. This year, the scholarship offer of the Erasmus+ programme has been extended to indude non-European countries. We have signed 25 new agree-tries. Ali information about the major activities related to the international exchange can be found in the artide by

ofthe International Relations Office, which actively seeks funding for and coordinates


As for lifelong learning, our education starts with the youngest. We run programmes of economic education for children and teenagers - the classes are free of charge and can be attended by pupils of primary schools, junior high schools and secondary schools. We want to show young people that economics isn’t anything abstract and out of their

We tell them how to^saye money, what it is like to work for a company, what being entrepreneurial means, how

what affeds economy, etc. Ali three programmes - Academy of Young Economist, Chil-dren’s Economic University and Economics for Upper Secondary School - aim to present possible career paths and develop entrepreneurial behayiour from an early age. In addition to the theoretical classes, we hołd workshops which foster e.g. teamwork, communication, leadership competencies or entrepre-

graduates can join special-ist postgraduate courses or a pilot doctoral programme in business (similar to DBA in Western Europę), while sen-iors can sign up for the first in Poland University of Economics of the Third Age.

The Uniyersity is its people; were it not for their initiathre, enthusiasm and commitment, we wouldn't be so successful. So l'd like to thank all those members ofthe uniyersity community who proactively and continually engage in the development of education at our Alma Mateń


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