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Fig. 11. NetWork analysis (performed by the program UCINET) showing the combined similarity matrix of the eigeiwalues for the four cultural layers (pottery decoration, clay figurines, faunal remains and flint tools) covering the period of 3350-3100 BC. The thickness of the lines denotes the strength of the similarity on a scalę from 1 to 6. Ryc. 11. Analiza sieci powiązań (wykonana przy użyciu programu UCINET) ukazująca połączone matryce własności z czterech poziomów kulturowych (zdobnictwo ceramiki, figurki gliniane, kości zwierzęce i narzędzia krzemienne) w okresie od 3350 dO 3100 BC. Grubość linii odpowiada stopniom podobieństwa na skali od 1 do 6.
In the period between 3350 and 3100 BC the network analysis is clearly divided into two subgroups (fig. 11). The greater part of the network displays a unstructured clump of similarities that seems to indicate a very Iow degree of coherence. In this period, different styles of the classical Baden Pottery show a very distinct spatial pattern, dem-onstrating a regionalisation of the traditions in pottery production (Furholt 2009), supposedly in contrast to the widespread distribution of the Boleraz-Style in the period before. This regionality cannot be found in the other cultural spheres analysed.
A marked exception is the region of Southern and central Hun-gary. Here, we see coherence in the spatial extent of the realms of pottery production, flint knapping traditions, animal breeding and clay idols. Again this is true only for the delineation towards the north, as in the south the edge of the study area limits the network. It is, how-ever, striking that looking at our archaeological maps, the area covered