Instrument : 1 Competiveness and Innovation Programme

Thematic networks

To promote ICT Solutions aimed at enhancing European operational capacities for monitoring and reporting environmental impacts and threats, for responding timely and effectively to natural and technological disasters and fostering environmental services. This thematic network will address an interoperable information infrastructure based on international standards with commonly agreed data formats and semantic and organisational responsibilities.....

It should bring together the stakeholders in view to establish


Modele matematyczno-systemowe wspierające polską część SEIS

(Dzielenie się e-danymi, e-informacją, e-wiedzą z obszaru środowiska)

roadmaps and prepare for pilot solution and real implementation across Europę. It will notably explore ICT deployment to support the Shared Environmental Information System (SEIS) following the INSPIRE Directive. The expected outcome is a comprehensive survey and a widely supported action plan for the identification and promotion of leading-edge ICTs.



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