
ÿþOur rld an s phys graph r wor nd its sical geog hy Ma o the physical of our world.  atch these words related to l geography o 1. The Nile, The Y A. Mountains Yangtze, M The Amazon  2. Atlant c, Arctic B. Rivers tic, Pacific R S ystem 3. Africa, Asia, Europe, C. Solar Sy 4. destro rike, D. Continents oy, hit, str C collap pse  5. Greec E. Oceans ce, Egypt, China, O Cameroon  6. Sun, M anets, F. Natural Disasters Moon, Pla N Mars, Earth  7. Everes G. violent a st, Kilimanjaro, v actions The Alps  8. Hurric thquake, H. Countrie cane, Eart C es Flood, n  ,Volcanic eruption


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