How many bikes are łhere?
He has had o larga number of accidenłs.
'<■ u»jTi |
There are plenty of bołłles in here.
He has few phones lefł.
My house has » smal number of doors. She boughł a few shoes iasł week.
He oooked some onions yesłerday. She hasnł goł ar.y dogs yef.
There isn'ł much money in my walleł. He drink8 a larga amounł of wałer.
There is a loł of snów oufside.
This car gives liłłle acceierałiori.
This fridge has a smal amounł of food. She drank a liłłle juioe Iasł nighł.
He nołiced some rain Iasł Sałurday. 8he doesn'ł have any wood lefł.
Do you want łhis cał or łhał one?
I don'ł wanł eiłher of łhem.
I wanł anołher pełł hrerwn