of companies have zero budget dedicated to securing their mobile apps.1
Today’s large companies* each spend an average of $34 million annually to develop mobile apps we use to shop, bank and morę.
However, only an average of 5.5% of this immense budget is spent on securing these apps against hackers and security breaches.1
•f>duc4ng many n the Fortune 500
$1.8 million: app security
$330 million: $2 billion:
pet costumes4 Halloween
$13 billion: video games3
$14 billion: Super Bowl XLIX food, drinks, decor and product2
$18 billion: sport event tickets3
$70 billion: spent on lottery tickets in 20143
of companies rO donotscan the codę in their mobile apps for security vulnerabilities.1
personal data records were compromised by cyber-attacks in 2014,5 and at any given time mobile malware is affecting
mobile devices.5
On average, a company tests less than half of the mobile O O O/ apps theybuild, and O O /O
never test apps to ensure they’re secure.1
O Copyright BM Corporation 2015. 6M. the IBM logo and ibmcom aro trademarksof hternabonal Business Machines Corp, regeterod m many junsdicfconsworidwido.Other prodvct and servcenamcs might be tradcmarks ot IBMor other companies. A current kst ot IBM tracfcrrorkse avatobteon the Webat *CoWright and teadsmark intormation" at yw^ ibrncom/logaUcopytrada Statements regardng BM‘s fi/ure drecton and ntent ane subject to change or uithdrjMal wthout notce, and represent goate and ofc*ectf/es onły.
The State ot Mobie Appkcaton Insccurty; The Ponemon Institute : v/v/v/staUstacom<statisbcs/2l7141/super-bo\M-weeker»d-related-consumer-spendr)g-in-the-us/
* moneycnf\com/201S*02/1l/ne'<vs/companres/1ottery-spendng/
4 wv/w.forbes.com/sites/3tevfccooper/2013/10/22/halo\*eervby-the-ntfnbefS/
Arxan Techrobges. v/wwarxanconVassets/1/7/Arxan_Appkcation_Protecton.\Mth_BM_Jfusteer_.-_$o)uton_Boelpdf
• BM X-Force Threat Inteikgence Ouarlerty 10 2015. http//Cmcor1wEMKV3