a = Ua

The maximum value of #w, for Qon = 0 (zero advance angle), is given by motor design:


where: 6m - aligned position angle, Nr - number of rotor poles (teeth).

The base speed cOo corresponds to #wmax and single voltage pulse Ud with maximum flux linkage ^/max, which is dependent on machinę design and the level of saturation. Thus, to reach higher speeds co (above co*,), we have to saturate the magnetic Circuit of that machinę (Eąuation 1.25). This is called flux weakening.

The smaller the angle 0off - 6m, the smaller the negative torque "contribution" of the phase going off. In reality at 6= 6m (aligned position) if the current im is already less than (25 -30%) of the peak current, the negative (generating) torąue influence becomes smali.

Once one phase is turned-off at 0C another one is turned-on, eventually soon, to contribute positive torąue such that to lower the total torąue pulsations caused by the reduction of torąue in the phase going off.

It is now evident that the entire magnetic energy of each phase is "pumped" in and out for each conduction cycle. There are mNr cycles per mechanical revolution. A part of this energy is passed over to the incoming phase through the power electronic converter (P.E.C.) and the rest to the DC bus filtering capacitor of P.E.C. Below base speed COo the current is limited (and controlled) through PWM (Fig. 1.10, Fig. 1.8).






Materiały dydaktyczne dystrybuowane bezpłatnie.

Projekt współfinansowany ze środków Unii Europejskiej w ramach Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego



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