TSD (or Long-Term Marcellus Ambient Air Monitoring Project Protocol - Appendlx B
Processing and transmLssion infrastiucture aLso incieased. Peimsylvania's proximity to major northeast markę Ls aixl analready existing network of inteistate gas trans mi ssion pipelines and underground storagc fields (repurposed formerly producing gas fields first) stimulated furt ber uncanventional devdopment in Pennsylvania.
As morę welLs came into produetion and were placed “in-linę” (connected to a gatheringand transmLssion network). it bccame apparenl thal shale gas produetion from the Marcellus was not an isolated occurrence bul indicative of a generał trend of productivity acruss the play.
Ficure B-4- l nconventionil (ii* Weil IJktrihution iii Penroylrinu Junt 2012 • Uchthhie <lot> reprrrent weTRlhit reported nituril produetion in the fint 6 monlh ol 2012. IJji k filut «|iure* repre*ent nelh thit hut heen “'.pud' (drilltdi hut ire not ytt p rodu cl n* heciu&e they ort miitinz hyelriulfc tnelurinc. compktton or tn« httn “*buMn" ind ire juiitlnz tolIttOon infri*tructure. Kmli dot or M|iure nuy reproait nmiUipIt uell* dut to the «ile oi the muce ind the euslence ci multiple ueU* on one drilknc pod. Red doh ind Kitę nituril z** comprnnon. dehydration ind'or proce** ing ficilitk* (conetructed or planned I thit hid receired either iir <|Uilitv plin ipprotiK cen er il iir rpiihty per mit.* <GP5| or iir quility opera hn* pemiih i* of Septemher 2012. The*e f-mlite* inchide conrentionil gi* ficilitk*. OitiSource: PA DKP. Jin-Jun 2012 S liteuxle Oi & Produetion Report.*.
Purther cxaminalion of the northeast / northcentral region of the stale with active unconvcntional produetion (figurę B-5), shows that while the activity Ls widespread across those counties. the well paltem Ls unlike that scen in the his toń cal Pennsylvania conventionally drilled fields shown in Figurę B-2. ThLs is due largely to the usc of harizontal drilling that allows grealer acccss to morę of the suhsuifacc area of the larget formation withcomparatively less surlace landdisturbance.