LLL & International Education Office invites to
PUT around the world Intercultural Cafe
Would you like to meet PUT students
from all over the world
and learn about other cultures?
Come along PUT Intercultural Cafś,
spend great tlme and expand your horlzons!
Knowledge Education Deyelopment
Republic of Poland
European Union
European Sodal Fund
The proEnmne a co-hnanced from the Ejrccear Sodal Fund unier the Operabona.' Propramme Knowledje. Educabon. Decelcpcnent, a non-cc<npetitive pfeject entitled IncreasK* eempeteocie: of che ocaiemit xaff and the mstitudom poteooa' to itcńc peopte from cb-ood - Wckomc to Paand implemented under the Veacure defned in appication for cc-rnancn; ci che pre;ect No POWR.02.03.0C-00-PN14/18.