The truth function
Let Sbe a compound statement. We can define a function
called the truth function ofS, in thefollowing way
1 IfS contains the n distinct statement vańables
pl, p2,..., pn, and no others, then the truth function fSis a
function ofn variablesx 1, x2,xn, each ofwhich can take on the values 1 or 0.
2 The value offS(xl, x2,xń) is defined to be truth value
of the statement S, when the simple statements
pl, p2,pnare given the truth values xl, x2,xn,
Example Let’s S be a statement: (pA~q) <==>(~p ==>q).
According to the truth table, the values of truth function are:
fS(l, 1) = 0,fS(l, 0) = l,fS(0, 1) = 0, fS(0, 0) = 1.
Two compound statements are logically eąuiyalent if they
always have the same truth value. We denote this as A =B.
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The truth function Let Sbe a compound statement. We can define a function JS. called the truth functThe inverse relation If R is a relation from A to B, then we can define a relation from B to A, denoTruth table We can use the above rules to find the truth tables of morę complex compound statements.00406 !cb92b94ac2a9f6746fa1a3a49eb99f 410Pignatiello & Ramberg we were not aware of any such stancc va)ue at any othcr temperaturę. We can also compute the resistance by using the temperaturęmus dev(7) 24 GEORGE JOWETT Inkerman, Ont., Canada The stron gest nun in Canada. Also holding sceeraAudit as a method of control and quality management evaluation In the management system of enterpris13 DSC00546 Along Charles Street we can get to the Old Town Square, the centre of the Old Town.htdctmw 131 Here’s a different application of blacks. On the previous page we saw the black areas usOn the subject of receivcrs, we can perhaps bc accused of a bit of priggishness. Having cstabli727 (3.18) By setting z = [F(y)]1/0 in (3.18), we find that On substituting the above expression ofDiora Katalog@ Lecie EN str During the past forty years we have passed the twenty million mark iWe know in fact quite a deal about małe gannents wom during the Viking Age, due in part to fragmentswięcej podobnych podstron