A gift to remember
Arc you len king for a qift thnt »different? Pcitu|n you ilont want to (jivc y a* Icłt friend cx yjur mum and -lad the same presents as owtynne elw dne* Whal cx\ ycm Imy that they will jlways remedrin? Wihy noUjeL Uu.m .m 'oeperknee rjiit"?
lhc eaents Hut peopic iSve luw chanowi a lrt in rcwnl ycars ;*irf thero has ho. n a h«(j rtso in the number ul pooplc gwing 'wcpericncc gilbT to celełiate thase spccial occaskais. This can be a flyir. i lewinn in a hciicopter. a dny on •> rat* tiack. an aAerooon in a hu atr battooa i* one ci many other c»jxricncvs th.it campaniss are aiMutuonij.
Ihcsc ciptTknCBS are usualty vwy cwitin.j. .\n tŁ)Ąvar-ol<! man ctieliratod his lalhiLiy l/y J)vin>i a Tfcjtł Muh. an aeropLme tram the lntflK Whcn hc Lir*li»ł hc siirl 'Ih.it was - i lanustlc operienoe!IVt .iw.iys wanled togo ki a liger Moth. 1 newr thoujht I enutd tam frow to Dy one. For myjt> Urthihiy I tym to <lrłw.' a Ferrari round a race tracki' ljj-lcily, the cust ul an 'oipetłence ytfl' aXvjys iiwhideF insunmoe!
6 W i.OS liston to thc pcople talking about shopplng online. Match the speakcrs with the topics.
danger money time varlety abiiity
7 Read the text.
8 Choose the best answers.
1 People today look fot presents A the person will łlke.
B the person needs.
C the person will remember.
D they would llke themselves.
2 An ’experience gift'
A Isaspecialparty.
B is a book about the person* s life.
C Is very expenslve.
D Is usually something the person hasn*t done before.
3 You can
A buy an 'expeiienc# gift* from a shop.
B buy an *experi«nce gift1 from a company.
C anange an *experience giff yourself.
D buy some very cheap 'experience gifts'.
4 TheBO-year-old
A enjoyed the experience.
B was scared.
C went In a Tlger Moth włten he w.is younger. D was a passenger In the piane.
5 TheBO-year-old
A wants to buy a Ferrari.
B wants to watth car racing.
C thlnks he wHI llve another ten years.
D doesn't like Fast cars. fTTTH ITH
9 imagine a relatlve in America gave you an •experience giff for your blrthday. Write an Informal thank you letter. Include the following:
• say thank you and describe the day and what you did in the evening
• say what other presents you recewed
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Matura Solutions Pre Intermediatc Tests 2
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