1 Find the averaae salarv in the firm. |
•-' LKt , 1 | ||
* |
2 Find the lowest salary for the job CLERK |
- - - — a k r ro 6 = %CL£ Rt ‘ f | |
3. Ho w many people arc employed in dep 20 ? |
Śk * n ęn i. Vj^ - *P; ę {) fjj^Q | ||
< |
4.Find the average salary for each job. |
:ł-.L£Ć? fi Yb 016 ) tęHTfMcT) FROh thP^r r r„ | |
5.Find the average salary for each job except MANAGER |
staże i lii | ||
ó.Find average salary for each job in each depanment. |
c-,to<rpiry V>£ ,0EPTfiQ' | ||
7.For each job find maximal salary. |
TJtHT cfrzi, loij °e | ||
< |
8.Show the average salaries for all departments employing morę than 3 people. |
S£Lt'Ć7 Wvf li *1) f/> o fi HA //Kć Cotft/T <£hPhZ)> 3 ^ C+RoeP f)fpT/#>i | |
9.Find all jobs that that the average salary for this job is not less than 3000. |
/9V*'tMC) ,7OB pąorr £ /y/> |
C'bvi (tottłi.ofo, \ | |
lO.Find the average salary (monthly) and average yearly income for each job (do not forget about provision ). |
st.LCCr ń V6 (S/t/MZ)MOfł7Hi Sr. AVC (12*1 pgon tnP 1 Gtotfp 7o$ ] | ||
11 .Find the difference between the highest and the lowest salary. |
*_*•>*<• ^JrrP (irf^ " ,nr'( TńŁ)) (-’£?£(/<L | ||
12.Find departments employing morę than 3 people. |
sfr- £ct* o £ P) a/c, f^mwn-RTT^ 4‘ H Hi Pt C-o/nTC £mP//c) y 3 ; | ||
13.Check if all personal numbersare reallv different from each other. |
TplTer EnPt*0 PRo/1 U/fP _ r cour/T (£nPM*)*i ; | ||
'Ą |
M.Find the lowest salary paid to employees working under each manager. Eliminate groups with minimal salaries below 1000. Presem data by inereasina values of incoaies. |
s£lt'cr\ (W ), rtGK Fkon ErrP wHtkE 'i*? ii POT NULI GK.3PP rrć*: ctptP 8a *** fi'^ , | |
15.How many people work in the department which is located in Dallas? |
{fi £ć; ’T0' y' rr~y •' ' L •’ taory £f-rr, p£pr ‘ń/-. ■ pe.fr P£rr?± |
: errP pćpF | |
16.For each grade find the maximal salary eamed by a person working in the firm and having a sałaty in this arade |
?£LECT mAs ($M), fpon €/7P , S/U6P.A0Ł r Roi/P & f &RA.0'£ W&tffilL SAL | ||
ty i/** |
l7.Find which values of salaries occur morę than once. |
t1 r 0 Łmc hav7p6 coc/f/r (ęal)>i t | |
Wiir*i * I |
13 What is the average salary for |
*pC HiSW.) |
(■ |
19.For each manager find the number |
Gfu-C7^%z;j&lc0k,pr (PrtPPO), | |
20.Find the totai income earned by |
-r^(^TAłWmf 'n‘ C1>'&r"01 . . , |
1 | |
t |
people from the first grade. |
"fA l-MAl rn.fji /'fh-r,'7rmr^ Z7777T~. |