2 7
The negotiator in tlie hard style;
- Demands concessions as a condition for maintaining mutual relations,
- Is tough to people and the problems,
- Has no trust,
- Uses threats,
- misleads his partner
- Demands unilateral benefits as a condition of the agreement
- insists on his position
- competes, aims at winning at all costs,
- puts pressure
- manipulates
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htdctmw 075 Keep these drawings which depict the skuli in different angles, and use them as guides f2 5 The negotiator in the soft style ; - Is soft on people and problem, - &n3 7 Othertactics used in negotiations:brną ii egotiations anew The other party demands a concession,2 10 Negotiator in the flexible style; - Separates people from problems, -2 10 Negotiator in the flexible style; - Separates people from problems, -324 GkeatBasin NaturalistMemoirsNo. 11 __ 1962. On the role of tlie symbionts in wood-de- stroying i2 13 How to succeed in negotiation? The negotiations are a long-term process and do not begin with sIB5 You can also raise the jaw When the character is punched hard in the stornach, the arms move fo10 9 How to deal with difflculties, which occur while persuading? If the negotiator encounters sorne13 DSC00548 it is the Municipal House, in the 14th and 15th centuries the Royai ^oiuv,----- __ cwięcej podobnych podstron