
1    Road thc tcxt.

Melon farmers

Do vou Ikc u-jK-i mci es? W cli, after a wcek at tlić WaicT \Jclr>n lcttf.jf in Owrhia. .Wtrjiu \r\i mi^u i».» kkc rticm so much!

Oiinriiib i* thc watrr melon Capital nf Austrafci aut pn xkn.es .ui anu/angnumberof mci m Ihń »t«au?c the jpouad hett n c\cdfcnr for growing litem. It hofch wucr wefl wui thi» i* rruIW Im pi mat fot growing mclom.

I .*cfy i«*>vGtr» in thc rifelJlc af Ul-ruin dx papleof <. lnic hi U hołd * spctwl fcstń-al «utd particpurit* contc fmnt fiir *»«y. A viiit to thc itnm»l i> •.ca aucralnłng! Ir vou go rbfci >or, yrull «r » entrr compctrinn whcic j-ccplc Mt uili melona with thar lic-uh! Miit mc cuuct ocmpctMnns too such as melon tkiowing and mdco MUiiig włurc yr>vi pur your f«t in i nr Inn and get pułk J    by a njpri). Of coursc thcfc

arc cookmg cnmpctnon* for mrals uting mdons and x lot of melon ntatg tou The fTMł»vl --MrKil in 1*W and ts genuę Itgęcr Gtth ycji. lf \<ju tMtt tu go to thc fciti* a) in Oródiifta, v«i must book ycrar ticln sona Iluś jHl thc* arc cicpectinj* I ct«tni in and aiw thousand pcopk. linii a lor of wacr ntdonsl

2    Cboose the correct a nswers.

1    AU / Some of the everns are diffkuK.

2    There has been a melon festwal in Chinchilla fot ovet / under 20 years.

3    There are some unusual people / competitions at the festwal.

A Mełons gro w well here because there Is a lot of rain / good earth.

5 The festival is only for (ocal people / open to everyone.

nn ge


3    Completc the sentences with thc correct ans wers.

1    Themother    her daughter*s hand

when they aossed the road.

A hugged B hetd C shook

2    At the end of the play the actors to the audiente.

A pointed B nodded C bowed

3    1.    my sister when she came home

afterayearin America.

A hugged B patted C winked A I asked her if she was OK and she A shook B nodded C bowed

5 'Thafs wltere I live.' he said and___at

an ołd cottage.

A beckoned B pointed C patted fTPKI KI

4    Complete the sentences wlth the correct words In the box.

buckets spectators partklpants reduced casuatties

1    The    in the competition got very


2    After the aeddent there were a lot of

3    They*ve    the prlces on atl thelr


A In summer we catch rain in_to

use on the garden.

5 The    really enioyed the match.

They cheered a tot.

J23E1 E3


O Oxx>iil Unnwiity l1łei»

Matura Solutions Pre-lntermediate lests I


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