
1 Complete thc scntences with the comparathre or superlatlve form of the adjectlves In brackels.

1 Whafs the

(e*pensive) thing you\e ever bought?

2 Kate W.nslefs


film is very moving.

3 Ifsthe


story l*veever read.

4 My new IV hasa

Igood) plcture

than my old one.

S Today"s horror films are


than they were in the past.

6 Who do you thlnk is the


actorin Hollywood?

7 Travelllng by coach is


than the traln.

8 Paul b the


boyfriend l've had.

9 Johnny Oepp is .

(attractree) nowthan when he was younger.

10 The

(beautiful) Capital

city l've yisited is Parls.

rm nn

! Complete the seniences wlth as. too or enough.

1 The new teacher lsn’t


as the last one.

2 1 don"t want to see the film. Ifs


3 We haven't got_

money to buy

three tickets.

4 1 don’t think 1*11 go for a walk today. It’s


S Is that exercise as difficult



6 Why didn‘t Kerry get the job? She's

eood as Darren.

7 Don*t drink tlut now lt’s


8    The new Superman films aren't as good

the first ones.

9    She didn*t get the part in the film because she

lsn't a!trjctrve_

10 I don*t Uke maths dasses. The/re _bormg.

rrrfl irn Vocabulary

3    Complete the seniences wlth the corrett words.

1    A(n). _    film doesn*t have real

people in it.

2    In a_film a lot of peopie usualty

die because of a terrible event Uke a storm or a Hre.

3    A __film is usually about the


4    In_the actors have to act. slng

and dance.

SA    . is about a certain part of



4    Complete the seniences wlth the correct words

In the box.

gripping vłolent moving horror entertalnłng

1    The film was so    thatlcrledat

the end.

2    films glve me bad dreams.

3    I couldn’1 switch off the TV because the film

was so_.

4    I like films that are    for the

whote family.

5    My mum refuses to watch    films

because she doesn‘t like all the fightlng.

EflB 13


O Ox4m) Oniwniljr !*««■»

Matura Solutions Pre-lntermediate Tests I


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