The Ohio Acadcmy of Science
UOOWa* NdAwuti/oW
nxr+otf 46*222*
ry 10. 1!
nr. John K. 5*Uh
OUf EXłC«tłv« Cfficar niUhYlUo Corporation 131 Raay
&althvli:« OK ilii4 0«r Kr. S»ithi
TMi la :na (lut lino OC tha flrat paragraf, u •Łowld H«u Ibr pui|»»a *A llw iaU« >l IW im»xi fv» Wit Ing. TKla My b* tKa cały paragraph that go ta rand. U brlat and claar. Wita and rnwritn untll yoc ęat It rlgfct.
TY la la '.ha aacond paragraf. Kort lat tara h*va nora tfcan cm paragraph. Althoogh your lat tar ahould ba nora aaclting to rand than thla ona. It will not ba wll ra-calvad ualaaa it Maa all of tfea errat* lal oloaania o! a atandard Kualnaaa lat tar: haading. data. lnaldo adlraaa. aalutallon. tvV or laat. coapl 1 nar tary cloaing. y**r han^rlttar. algną tura, and your naaa ty pad balów y >ur algaatura.
Althcogh tfccrc ara aarlatlont to thoso barie ala-canta. laclućinj addltlcaal part* for apaaial purp>aa*. yoo can rpanć tha raat cf your lifa happily wrltlng itan-dard boamaac lattar* if you gat tfcaoa basie* rlgh: now.
I ’» cloalng thln lattar non »o tfcat Z can daKn-•trata tha finał alananta of a lattar.
TYtank yoj for eona 1 dar Ing thaaa aoggaai lc*a. Slncaraly.
Lynn Z. Klfrtai
CMaf tx*cwtlv* Officar