This is to acknowledge that
has completed the six-module training 164 h in Craniosacral Therapy of biodynamic approach
The program of the training consists of:
Module I: 40 h, Theory and praclice of the biodynamic mechanism of therapy and anatornical and physiological foundations of the Craniosacral Therapy functioning
Module II: 20 h, Tides and pulses
Module Til: 20 h, Aduanced Tec.hni.ques of Craniosacral Therapy
Module IV: 40 h, Trauma and therapy, somatoemotional unfolding, S. Porgis’ Polyiagal System,
Lenin's therapies, Ignitions
Module V: 22 h, Children Therapy
Module VI: 22 h, Therapeutical work with pregnant women, newborns and infants: theory and practice This Certificate of Completion does not entitle the holder to practice as a CST instructor withoul ąualified
'ns truć tor:
nindation In Corpore
Katowice 24.04.2016