POLISH SPIRIT — an exhibit

reflecting Polish Canadian contributions to Canada's heritage

A biography of Polish Canadian achievers

Une biographie des accomplisseurs polonais-canadiens

Sylwetki Polaków zasłużonych dla rozwoju Kanady

The exhibit will run from

May 24 to May 27, 2011

Metro Hall (Rotunda), Toronto, 55 John St.

POLISH SPIRIT exhibit, sponsored by The Ontario Trillium Foundation, and organized by the Polish-Canadian Women's Federation celebrates the lives and achievements of sixty one Canadians of Polish origin who have madę significant contributions to Ontario's heritage in community work, politics, culture, and science/engineering.

The exhibit features such great Canadians as Issac Hellmuth, the founder of Western University, Sir Casimir Gzowski, Senator Stanley Haidasz, Janusz Zurakowski, Mark Starowicz, and many others whom you might not have heard about until now.

The opening of the exhibit under the sponsorship of Peter Milczyn, Councilor of the City of Toronto

May 24, 2011 at 7:00 pm Metro Hall (Rotunda), Toronto, 55 John St.

Patrons / Sponsors: Consulate General of the Republic of Poland, Canadian Polish Congress, Councilor Peter Milczyn (Ward 5, Etobicoke-Lakeshore), The Adam Mickiewicz Foundation, W. N. Turzański Foundation, St.Stanislaus-St.Casimir's Polish Parishes Credit Union Limited, Mrs. Stella Slaby, Nova Printing, Independent Magazine PUNKT.CA


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