Level 3 Model Exam


Types of speaking

•    monologue

•    dialogue

•    discussion

Description of the Test

The speaking test is to be taken in pairs. It consists of two tasks and lasts approximately 25 minutes.

Task 1 is divided into two parts. In Part A - briefing - each candidate presents a 3-4 minutę monologue using information provided. In Part B, after the briefing, the other candidate asks questions and/or comments on what she/he has heard. Before the exam, candidates have 15 minutes to prepare for their briefings. (For additional information, see Appendix C.)

Task 2 is divided into two parts. In Part A, the candidates talk about an issue outlined in the prompt card. In Part B, candidates answer questions asked by the examiner. The questions develop the topie from Part A.


General interest and Professional topics such as:

•    military training

•    everyday life in the military

•    addictions

•    health and fitness

•    customs and traditions

•    free time

•    food and eating habits

•    tourism

•    money

•    media

•    generation issues

•    refugees

•    city versus country

•    rich versus poor

•    shopping

•    holidays

•    environment

•    work and employment

•    politics

•    economics

•    education

•    international relations

•    terrorism and global security

•    sport

•    family and family life

•    means of transport

•    travelling

•    disasters

•    military operations

•    crime

•    etc.


Rubrics are given in English.

Performance Expected of the Candidate

The candidate is expected to demonstrate the ability to:

•    describe

•    give information

•    ask for information

•    suggest

•    recommend

•    explain

•    provide arguments

•    give examples

•    describe causes and effects

•    give opinions

•    justify

•    advise

•    give Solutions

•    hypothesize

•    speculate

•    compare and contrast


The speaking test is assessed by two independent assessors. For each task candidates can be awarded a maximum of 10 points and have to score 14 out of 20 points to pass the speaking test. The marking criteria are divided into point bands. To score points in a band, the text must fulfil all criteria. Candidates are referred to the evaluation criteria for Level Three, Speaking, on page 61.



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