Level 3 Model Exam


Text Types

Formal correspondence:

•    letter

•    memorandum

•    report

Description of the Test

The writing test is 90 minutes long and there are two tasks in it.

Task One consists of two parts and candidates are asked to write two kinds of texts:

Part A a formal transactional letter

responding to the input. The text should contain between 100 and 120 words.

Part B a formal memorandum which can be thematically related to the letter from Part A. The text should contain between 60 and 80 words.

In Task Two, candidates are to write a report which should contain between 200 and 250 words.


Candidates are given instructions in Polish before the start of the test. Rubrics are written in English.


•    describing

•    refusing

•    giving information

•    asking for information

•    complaining

•    suggesting

•    recommending

•    giving orders

•    apologising

•    explaining

•    inviting

•    giving arguments

•    giving examples

•    describing causes/effects

•    expressing opinions

•    justifying

•    giving advice

•    giving Solutions

•    hypothesizing/speculating

•    making requests

•    reprimanding

•    placing orders

Performance Expected of the Candidate

In Task One candidates are expected to write on job-related topics.

Part A - the letter - candidates are expected to achieve the task outlined in the rubrics, including all the points indicated in the input such as a programme, a leaflet, a notę, an advertisement, etc. The text has to be divided into paragraphs.

Part B - the memorandum - candidates are expected to achieve the task outlined in the rubrics and should present the content in a elear and concise way.

In Task Two, candidates are expected to write on military and generał topics (e.g. politics, technology, economics, culture, and social matters). The text has to be a paragraphed report written in fuli sentences. The rubrics to the task contain input in the form of short texts and pictorial materiał such as maps, graphs, diagrams, charts, etc., which candidates have to use.

In both tasks candidates are required to write in an appropriate format (letter, memorandum, report). The text should be elear, coherent and cohesive and major points logically presented. Transitions should be successfully used. The language has to be consistently formal. Accuracy and appropriacy are expected. (For morę detailed information on writing a memorandum and a report, see Appendix A and B.)


The test is assessed by two independent assessors. For each text candidates can be awarded a maximum of 10 points and have to score 21 out of 30 points to pass the writing test. The marking criteria are divided into point bands. To score points in a band, the text must fulfil all criteria. Candidates are referred to the evaluation criteria for Level Three, Writing on page 48.



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