Efforts in therapeutics are continuing across drug classes. New data is emerging for remdesivir, anti IL-6 treatments and convalescent plasma therapy, but firm conclusions are not yet possible

As of 10^ May

Remdesivir continues to be at a morę advanced stage in its development compared to other potential therapeutics, and data regarding its efficacy continues to emerge



Sarilumab (Kevzara) (anti IL-6)




Leaked results from an early discontinued Chinese trial showed no clinical benefit of remdesivir, although the sample size was too smali to allow for statistically significant conclusions. Since then, preliminary results from a government-sponsored study in Chicago showed that remdesivir decreased the time to recovery by c.31% for hospitalised COVID-19 patients, leading to Emergency Use Authorization from the FDA

Trials are ongoing to understand why remdesivir’s efficacy seems to vary across different patients

Clinical trials are ongoing to test already approved IL-6 for treatments for their effectiveness against COVID-19

Following a Phase II trial on critical and severe patients, which indicated that Sarilumab (Kevzara) had no impact on severe patients, Sanofi / Regeneron have progressed to a Phase III trial focusing on ‘critical’ patients requiring ventilation or ICU care only

Roche representatives have stated that they will only release evidence and plans regarding Actemra (IL-6 inhibitor tocilizumab) once the Phase III study is completed

The U.K.’s NHS has begun trials to treat COVID-19 using blood plasma from recovered patients. It is also increasing its capacity to collect the plasma and including morę hospitals in the trials

The CoVlg-19 Plasma Alliance is focusing on clinical trials using pooled, purified and concentrated versions of convalescent plasma from multiple donors (hyperimmune globulin). It is refocusing its network of donation centers to pool convalescent plasma where allowed, including Austria, Czech Republic, Germany, Hungary and the U.S.

Source: Financial Times: Sky news; Guardian; PharmaTimes; L.E.K. research 6


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