
Contact tracing has been applied at different levels across the EU5. Germany implemented a rigorous scheme from the outset, while other countries introduced it later
EU5: current implementation status of contact tracing
Although the U.K. initially started contact tracing during its first cases in March, it dropped efforts soon afterwards as the number of cases became too large to tracę.
France announced a contact tracing plan on April 28th, led by so-called "brigades". In linę with the practices followed by other countries. the brigades are trained to interpret symptoms, offer information on testing centres, check that tests have been done. investigate close contacts. and notify them of potential infection
w Spain
Spain has increased its testing capacity to reach c.60,000 tests per week. Of these, currently c.5% give positive results triggering contract tracing. So far 10% of contacts traced have tested positive, with contact tracers reaching 50% of the cases before they present symptoms
On June 8m, U.K. reactivated its contact tracing program, hiring 25,000 people for the task. After the First week, 68% of positive testing patients provided close contacts information, and 84% of close contacts were reached and asked to guarantine
c » Germany
Contact tracing has been central to the government's approach and is regarded as one of the most important tools to slow the spread of the disease. Reports of the system being in place go back to March 2na, less than a week after the first confirmed case
( ) Italy
Italy started to implement a contract tracing policy in June, having developed an app to assist
Source: Press release
O 2020 L E K. Consulting LLC
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