Gazing upon the & i lent atars above, Listening to the mouraful brosze,

My heart throbs with pain, llke a dove Who aees her matę ehot frcm the treea.

0    Son, X've lest rjy former mlrth,

I lament the day yon left your home;

1    mourn you In the cold colfl earth,

Where you Tell righting across the fcam*

My tfcoughts with muaing pity, pays Kornego tojour childhocćs grace,

Ae oft they stray to former days When you met me with amiling face.

When &6 a youth you did declde

To tramp the wcodl&ndu of ambition,

You erossed the ocean far and wide

Thinking it would improye your station.

AlesI Your Kcther Country1*? foes

Showed a ohocked world they had decided To baniBh Liberty, instead of Woea, Bntkroning the idola we derided.

Sc you and every motherfs aon In oixr Colonie*,, near ondl. for,

To reoruitlng offices commenced to run -Which gay© our enemiea a nas ty Jar*

Amidat the cheae aa they did run -Mor taiły wounded - you urged your men To be steadfaat againat the Eun,

And for erery ahell to girę them ten.

I hope now as your apirit‘9 free To fcorer o* er the world1 s great epace, That it will often be near me To keep me in the path of Graco.

Adieu then, till the Sea of Time Beai*a me to that Celestial Shore,

Tc that happy peaceful cltme

Where wara and trials will be no mora.

Wrltten by; iUB.Kelly,

32 Dechmcnt Street, Glasgow, B.1«

On the Death of his only son who fell in action on the 12th*of October,


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