UNIT 5. TIME FOR DISCOVERY. Lesson 4. Plans for sum mer. L100 207
MeTa: Kompo/ib c<t)opMOBaHOCTi HaBUMOK nucbMa.
06naAHaHH«: Maiepiann a o Tecry.
ripnBiTaHHfl. lloBiAOM/ieHHfl TeMi/i Ta MeTM ypoKy
T. Today you’11 write your semester test. It will check on your skills in writing.
Bnp. 2, c. 243 — nepeBipKa BHKOHaHHH BnpaBH.
riepeBipKa c<))opMOBaHOCTi HaBi/moK nucbMa
▼ These sentences are wrong. Write them correctly.
1. I don’t never go to bed late. I never go to bed late.
2. Have you got ten years old?
3. Does she lives in Paris?
4. Always I wear glasses.
5. He is tired because he goes to bed early.
6. Let we go home.
7. They not playing tennis.
t You want to join an International friendship club. Fili in their ap-plication form.
International Friendship Club
22 Palmer Buildings Highampton HG1 6DE Application Form for Membership
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