UNIT 3. TIME FOR HOME. Lesson 2. An opple o day. L47 109

TpeHyBanbHi BnpaBi/i

▼    Find an extra worcl.

1.    Tea, sausage, meat, fish.

2.    Fried potatoes, apple, plum, peach.

3.    Lunch, dinner, breakfast, cheese.

Bnp. 1, c. 102.

rioflCHeHHH HOBoro MaTepia/iy

YBeAeHHH HOBOl JieKCHKH, c. 102.

Bnp. 3, 4 c. 103.

▼    Make up sentences. Put the words into correct order and we will know about helpful of our food.

1.    People, live, cannot, food, without.

2.    Meat, fish, milk, you, help, to, grow.

3.    Bread, sugar, cheese, you, give, energy.

4.    Vegetables, eggs, your, bones, make, teeth, strong.

5.    Fruit, vegetables, got, have, a lot of, yitamins.

6.    Vitamins, important, are, for, body, our.

7.    Eat, food, the right.


T. What did you practice at the lesson? What did you like to do at the lesson? Your marks are...


CjiOBa c. 104; Bnp. 1, 2, c. 104-105.

IliflroTyBaTHCfl %o ceMecTpoBoro TecTy 3 nnTaHHB.

■ L47    =

Healthy food. Semester test on reading

Meia: 3ÓaraMyBain c/iobhmkobmu 3anac yMHiB i3 TeMu «npo)qyKTM xapHyBaHHB», 4>OpMyBaTM H3BMMKM 3flOpOBOrO XapHyBaHHfl, BMXOByBaTH KynbTypy V>Ki, 03Hai/i0Mmn 3 TpaflupiAMu xapHyBaHH^ y BenuKiw Bp mami'.

Oó/iaflHaHHB: Maiepiann ao Tecty.


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