UNIT 3. TIME FOR HOME. Lesson 3. Speciol days. L53 121

I L53    ;

Favourite holidays

Meia: bmuth yMHiB po3noBiAaTi/i npo yjiłoó/iem CBflTa, Bi/ixoByBaTM b yMHiB nosary flo HaqiOHa/ibHHX Tpaflmhi/i Ta cbat, npoAOBwyBaTM npaKTUKyBaTM yMHiB y ayfliiOBaHHi Ta ycHOMy MOB/ieHHi, MMTaHHi Ta rrncbMi, npoAOBwy-BaTM ({)OpMyBaTM n03MTMBHy MOTMBauiK) HaBMaHHfl, p03BHBaTM yBary, 3floraflKy.

06/iaflHaHHfl: niflpyMHMK, poóoMW/i 3olumt, MaTepia^M ao 3aBflaHb.

Xlfl yPOKY


ripMBiTaHHfl. llOBiflOMnGHHfl TeMW Ta MeTI/l ypOKy

T. Today’s topie is “Favourite holidays”.

HepeBipKa flOMauiHboro 3aBAaHHB

Bnp. 4, c. 121 — nepeBipKa BHKOHaHHH BnpaBH.


yBeflGHHB b iHiiioMOBHy aTivioc<f>epy

T. Good morning, children! How are you today? Fm very glad to see you. We’re having a very interesting topie today. Look at the pictures on the blackboard and try to guess, what we are going to speak about.

(Student s answer.)

You are absolutely right, we are going to speak about holidays and celebrations. Do you like holidays? What is your favourite holiday?

(Students answer.)


Now I want to see if you know the names of other holidays. So, you can see pictures and words. Please, match the special days with the photographs.

Birthday, Easter, Christmas, Valentine9s Day, Mother's Day, wed-ding day.


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