UNIT 4. TIME FOR OUTDOORS. Lesson 2. Weather and clothes. 167 147


Bnp. 1, c. 163 — discuss the ąuestions in a group.

Bnp. 2, c. 163 — look, match and say as in the example.

Bnp. 3, c. 163 — say what the right clothes are and what.


Bnp. 5, c. 164 — listen and read, then act out the dialogue in pairs.

Po3noAi^i ynHiB Ha MOTnpn rpynn rjih. BHKOHaHHH npoeKTHoi po6o-th Ha HacTynHOMy ypon,i.


niflÓHTTB niflcyMKiB ypoKy

T. What did you practice at the lesson? What did you like to do at the lesson? Your marks are...

AOMatlJH€ 3aB#aHHfl

Bnp. 1, c. 165.

IliAroTyBaTHCH a o npoeKTHoi poóoth: npHHecTH 3o6pa>KeHHH pi3-hiix bhaIb OAHry, HanncaTH KopoTKy po3noBiAi>, kohchIh rpyni cKJiac-TH OAMH KPOCBOPA npo OAHT.

; L67

Project "In the clothes shop"

MeTa: y3ara/ibHK>BaTn 3HaHHB neKCHKO-rpaMaTHMHoro MaTepia/iy i3 TeMM «OflBr. riopu poKy» y Bumafli npoeKTHoi poóom 06/iaAHaHHH: niApy^HHK, poóoHW/i 30111 ht, Maiepia/in ajib npoeKTHoi poóoTu: 4 apKyuui c))opMaTy A3, oc()opM/ieHi y 3HMOBOMy, BecHBHOMy, jiiTHbOMy Ta OCiHHbOMy CTH/1BX, KPOCBOPAH, BUflU OflATy, niAfOTOBJieHi p03n0BiAi.

xifl ypoKy


llpi/iBiTaHHH. noBifloivmeHHH TeMi/i Ta Mem ypoKy

T. Today’s topie is “Project ‘In the clothes shop’ ”.


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