UNIT 3. TIME FOR HOME. Lesson 2. An opple o day. L48 111

4.    For dinner they have fish or ... , vegetables, ... and ... .

5.    “After ... sleep a while, after ... walk a mile”.


niflóliTTfl niflcyMKiB ypoKy

Now answer my ąuestions.

1.    How many meal do the English have a day? What are they?

2.    What time do the English have breakfast?

3.    What time do the British have lunch?

4.    What time do the British have dinner or supper?

5.    What do they have for lunch?

6.    How do they like to drink their tea?

7.    What do they have for dinner?

8.    What do they have for supper?

9.    What does the English proverb go?

AOMaiUH£ 3aBflaHHfl

Bnp. 5, c. 106.

niflroTyBaTHCH ao ceMecTpoBoro ouimoBaHHH 3 ayzuiOBaHHH.

= L48    =

Everyday meals. Semester test on listening

Meia: KOHTpo/ib h0bhmok ynrnB 3 ay,qiK)BaHHB.

06/iaflHaHHB: Maiepiann a o Teciy.



npi/iBiTaHHfl. noBiflOMneHHB TeMi/i Ta Mem ypoKy

T. Today’s topie is “Everyday meals”.


lloBiAOMneHHB pe3y/ibTaTiB ceMecTpoBoro oLiimoBaHHfl 3 Mi/iTaHHB

yuHTejib noBiAOMJine npo pe3yjibTaTn BHKOHaHHH TecTy 3 nHTaHHH n aHajii3ye TnnoBi noMHJiKH.


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