UNIT 3. TIME FOR HOME. Lesson 2. An opple o day. L50 115

Xlfl yPOKY


llpi/iBiTaHHfl. rioBiflOM/ieHHfl TeMi/ł Ta Me™ ypoKy

T. Today’s topie is “Semester test on writing”.


rioBiflOM/ieHHB pe3y/ibTaTiB ceMecTpoBoro opiHłOBaHHH 3 roBopiHHB

y^HTejib noBiflOMJiHe npo pe3yjibTaTH BHKOHaHHH TecTy 3 roBopiH-hh ii aHa.Tii3ye TnnoBi homhjikh.

KOHTpOnb H3BI/1HOK micbMa

▼ Complete the sentences.

1. I like to eat/to drink ... .

2.1 don’t like to eat/to drink ... .

▼ Complete the crossword.

▼ Complete the sentence with a Lot of, much, many. little/a little.

1.    Steve doesn’t usually eat ... sweets.

2.    Have we got ... butter in the fridge?

3.    There is ... of meat in the freezer.

4.    Is there ... minerał water in the bottle?

5.    There is ... su gar in my cup of tea.


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