UNIT 3. TIME FOR HOME. Lesson 2. An opple o day. 149 113

7. We like to have lunch at... .

a) Home    b) the lesson

c) School

Keys: 1 a, 2 a, 3 c, 4 a, 5 b, 6 b, 7 c.


IliAroTyBaTHca ao ceMecTpoBoro ouiHioBaHHa 3 roBopiHHH, c. 259, npaBHjia c. 108-109.

= L49    =

Food. Semester test on speaking

MeTa: Kompo/ib h3Bhmok ynHiB i3 roBopiHHa.

06/iaAHaHHa: MaTepiann ao Teciy.




T. Today’s topie is “Food”.


lloBiAOM/ieHHB pe3y/ibTaTiB ceMecrpoBoro ouimoBaHHa

3 ayAiłOBaHHB

yuHTejib noBiAOMjiae npo pe3yjibTaTH BHKOHaHHH TecTy 3 ay^i-lOBaHHH h aHajii3ye TnnoBi noMHjiKH.

KOHTpOJlb H3BI/1HOK TOBOpiHHB — po/ibOBi irpi/i, po3irpyBaHHa p\a norie

ynHTejib po3Aae KapTKH 3aBAaHHH AJifl po3irpyBaHHB Ai^JioriB Ta noacHioe 3MicT 3aBAaHb.

T. I want you to take these cards with your tasks for our role play. Card 1

You are a mother. You should ask your child to go shopping and buy sonie rnilk, fruit, sugar and sausages. Write your Shopping list and explain your child what to do.


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