UNIT 5. TIME FOR DISCOVERY. Lesson 4. Plans for sum mer. L105
IIpomjiH Bena naA KpbiuiaMH H CKa3i<y Bce ycbohjih,
Ee Mbi TO>Ke cjibimajiH,
Ho nonfiJiH no-CBoeMy.
H rpycTHyio, h Aep3Kyio,
H ocTpyio, h HejKHyio,
H B3poc.nyio, h AeTCKyio npo KopojieBy CneaKiiyio.
A Storyteller. Glad to see you, boys and girls. Ali of you have read the famous fairy tale “Snów Queen”.
KoneKTMBHa poóoTa, BiflnoBifli yHHiB Ha 3dm/iTdHHfi Ka3Kapn
1. Who is the author of “Snów Queen”?
2. Wliat happened to Kai?
3. Who went to save Kai?
So, let’s help Gerda to save her best friend and travel to this fairy tale, to the Snów Queen’s pałace. Are you ready?
3’aBJiHGTbCH AiBHHHKa Tepfla.
Gerda. I must help Kai and save him from Snów Queen. But I don’t like to travel in winter, it’s cold. (Ha douiąi eucunib 3UM06UU neu3aM.)
A Storyteller. Yes, my girl, I can help you. Let it be spring! (Ha doiu.ki/ npuKpinjiioiomb eecnsmaii neiuajfc saMicnib 3UM06030.)
Gerda. Oh, It’s spring! The snów is melting! The sky is blue! The sun is shining! The birds are singing! There are green leaves on the trees! The naturę is waking up! (Hde ma nidcnieye.)
Snów Queen (looks at her magie mirror). The little girl! Spring in winter! Gerda wants to save Kai! My servants-flowers, come here!
3’flBJiaioTbca Hapunc, KporiHBni naroHH, B’ioiiok.
Snów Q u e e n. You must stop this girl. She is coming to my pałace to save Kai. So give her and the children the most difficult tasks.
The Flowers. OK!
TepAa iiAe, panTOM nepeA »eio 3’aBJineTbca Hapunc. 3ByHHTb «Tanro Hap-
UHCca» (My3. M. MmiKOBa, ca. B. KopocTbiAeBa).
JIio6wTe, AioÓHTe, ho TOAbKO ce6a. noAapoK — co6biTHe b kb>kaoh cyAi>6e.