UNIT 7. TIME FOR SCHOOL Lesson 3. Favourite subject. L13 47
i Li3 ;
Morę and less popular school subjects.
Adjective. Degrees of comparison
MeTa: 03Hai/i0MHTM yMHiB i3 npaBmiaMu yTBopeHHa CTyneHiB nopiBHAHHfl OflHOCKJiaflOBHX Ta ABOCKJiaflOBHX npMKMeTHUKiB; P03BHB3TM H3BMHKM
nucbMa, ayfliłOBaHHa' BnxoByBa™ noBary ao Ky/ibTypn, idopii KpaiHM, MOBy flKOI BUBHałOTb; 3aOXOHyBaTH yMHiB AO BMBMeHHB aHr/lil/ICbKOI mobu; p03BMBaTM naM^Tb, JlOnMHe MMCJieHHB B npoqeci BMKOHaHHfl H3BMaJlbHHX 3aBAaHb; BMiHHfl caMOCTii/łHO 3Ao6yBaTH 3HaHHfl, npaułOBaTM b napi. 06/iaAHaHHfl: niApyMHUK, poóoMw/i 3oluht, Ma/iłOHKn, Ta6/iMq« «CTyneHi no-piBHHHHfl npHKMeTHMKiB».
Xlfl yPOKY
flpi/iBiTaHHH. rioBiAOMJieHHB TeMi/i Ta MeTi/i ypoKy
T. Today’s topie is “Morę and less popular school subjects”.
llepeBipKa flOMawHboro 3aBAaHHH
Bnp. 3, c. 29 — nepeBipKa BHKOHaHHH BnpaBH.
BiiKOHaiiMO KijibKa BnpaB ajih Hamoro H3HHKa. Please, repeat after me: happy, long, good, fat, nice, bad, strong, interesting. Weil done.
T. My dear pupils! I invite you to visit a very interesting island! The people there are always bragging! Look at them!
Ha aoiiiiu po3Mimem MajiioHKii, Ha hkhx 3o6pa>KeHi TpH xjionnH-kh — Bill, Sam, Nick.
Listen! Bill says “My pen is long!”
Sam says “My pen is longer!”
Nick says “My pen is the longest”!
OAHonacHO 3 penjiiKaMH xjionunKiB BHHTejib BiAKpHBae MajiiOHKH, Ha hkhx ynHi 6anaTb, hk nopiBHioiOTb npeAMeTH.
Bill says “My dog is big!”
Sam says “My dog is bigger!”
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