UNIT2. TIME FOR LEISURE. Lesson 1. Ali about my friends. L25 71

Xlfl yPOKY


llpi/iBiTaHHfl. rioBiflOM/ieHHfl TeMi/ł Ta Me™ ypoKy

T. Today’s topie is “People’s interests and hobbies”.

riepeBipKa AOMaiUHboro 3aBflaHHH

Bnp. 5, c. 53 — nepeBipKa BHKOHaHHH BnpaBH.


flira 3anHTyioTb xopoM Biprn, 3anncaHHH Ha aonmi:

Everybody has a hobby,

But we’ve got a common one.

English does attract us Morę than stamps and actors And it’s a great fun!

MoeneHHeea 3apndKa

T. What is a hobby?

PI. It’s a favourite occupation or a thing you like to do.

T. Do you need any free time for hobby?

P2. Of course, we do. But our study at school takes up most of our time. It’s a pity.

T. Nevertheless where there is a will there is a way.


Let’s do an exercise to remember our constriction and new words. Match the word and word-combinations.

□ to be fond of

□ fishing/to fish

□ to be interested of

□ gardening/to garden

□ to be going to

□ watching TV/ to watch TV

□ photography

□ reading books / to read books

□ singing/to sing

□ going to the theatre/to go to

□ dancing/to dance

the theatre

□ cooking/to cook

a collecting stamps/to collect

□ traveling/to travel


PoÓOTa b rpynax

Ha ni^CTaBi nonepeAHboi BnpaBH yTBopioiOTb rbi rpynu, hkhm nponoHyioTb 3aBflaHHH.


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