UNIT2. TIME FOR LEISURE. Lesson 3. Free time. L36 91

AOMaiUHC 3aBflaHHfl

Bnp. 1, c. 72 nucbMOBo; Bnp. 3, c. 74.

= L36    E

lnvitation for a party. Present Simple Tense

Meia: yBecTM i/i aKTMBi3yB8Ti/i hobui/i neKcuMHUM Maiepian 3a TeMOło ypoKy; npo,qoB>KyBaTn c|)opMyBaTn HaBMHKui flia/ioriHHoro MOB/ieHHa; po3BMBaTn KOMyHiKaTMBHi 3fli6HOCTi yMHiB; TpeHysa™ yMHiB y HanucaHHi 3anpoiueHHB Ha BenipKy; npaKTUKyBain yMHiB y nucbMi; po3BHBaTM KynbTypy MOB/ieHHa; BMXOByBaTH B yHHiB 6a>KaHHfl 3 KOpUCTłO npOBOflMTU Mac.

06/iaflHaHHB: niflpyHHUK, po6ohmm 30luht.



(Ipi/iBiTaHHfl. lloBiflOM/ieHHB TeMi/i Ta MeTi/i ypoKy

T. Today’s topie is “Invitation for a party”.

riepeBipKa flOMaujHboro 3aBflaHHa

Bnp. 1, c. 72, Bnp. 3, c. 74 — nepeBipna BHKOHaHHH BnpaB.



If youYe happy, and you know it,

Clap your hands (clap, clap),

If you’re happy, and you know it,

Clap your hands (clap, clap),

If you’re happy, and you know it,

And your face will surely show it,

If youYe happy, and you know it,

Clap your hands (clap, clap).

ynuTejib BHKOHye niemo i npocHTb yHHiB noBTopiOBaTH 3a hhm. A aajii 3aMicTb clap your hancls cniBaiOTb cnonaTKy cjiOBa stamp your feet, noTiM — say hurray.


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