UNIT2. TIME FOR LEISURE. Lesson 3. Free time. L38 95

□    admit (BH3HaBaTH);

n mention (3ra#yBaTH);

□    appreciate (lUHyBara, BH3HaBa™);

□    miss (nponycKaTH, Hy^tryBaTH);

□    avoid (yHHKaTH);

□    postpone (Bi^KJiaAaTH);

□    complete (3aBepuiyBaTH);

□    practise (npaKTHKyBarrn);

□    consider (BBaacaTH, ouimoBaTH);

□    quit (npunHHHTu);

□    delay (BiAKJiaAa™);

□    recall (sraAyBara);

□    deny (3anepenyBaTH);

□    recommend (peKOMeHAyBara);

□    discuss (odroBopiOBaTu);

□    risk (pw3HKyBaTH);

□    enjoy (HacojioA^KyBaTHca, OTpHMyBara 3aAOBOJieHHa);

□    suggest (nponoHyBaTH);

□    finish (3aKiHHVBaTH);

□    tolerate (Tepnira);

□    keep (TpHMaTii, npoAOBHcyBaTM);

□    understand (po3yMiTn); n regret (iuKOAyBaTH).

Bnp. 1, c. 81 ycHo.

▼ Po3KpniłTe Ay^KH, nocTaBHBmn cjiOBa y npaBHJibHm (J)opMi.

1.    I can’t imagine her ... (drive) a car.

2.    He agreed ... (buy) his son a new CD player.

3.1    enjoy ... (drive) at night.

4. The man asked me ... (open) the door.

5.1    look forward to ... (see) you at the weekend.

6.    Are you thinking of ... (visit) New York?

7.    We decided ... (stay) in that beautiful town.

8.    The teacher expected Michael... (study) hard.

9.    He doesn’t mind ... (work) the night shift.

10.    I learned ... (ride) a bike at the age of 6.

11.    The girl go on ... (read) the book.

III. 3AKJUOHHA HACTMHA yPOKY niflói/iTTfl niflcyMKiB ypoKy

T. What did you practice at the lesson? What did you like to do at the lesson? Your marks are...


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