UNIT2. TIME FOR LEISURE. Lesson 2. Hobbies and interests. 132 81
no/uji y^HiB Ha MiKporpynn, po3noAiji 3aBAaHb.
Bnp. 2, c. 67 — ynm onuTyiOTb oahh oahoto 3 MeToio BCTaHOBJieH-hh ynoAoóaHb oAHOKJiacHHKiB.
Bnp. 1, c. 67 — ynni nnTaiOTb npo He3BnnanHi xo6i.
Bnp. 1, c. 66 — ynm npocjiyxoByioTb Aiajior Ta BCTaHOBjnoiOTb no-PHAOK py6pHK.
Bnp. 2, c. 66 — ynm po3irpyioTb Aiajiom b napax.
Bnp. 4, c. 66 — poóoTa b rpynax.
fliflói/iTTB niflcyMKiB ypoKy
T. What clid you practice at the lesson? What did you like to do at the lesson? Your marks are...
Bnp. 3, c. 66.
rincbMOBO ni^roTyBaTHCH ao npoeKTHoi poóora «Xo6i Ta iHTepe-ch»: niAroTyBaTH po3noBiAi, Bnpi3KH, cJioto Ha cTopiHKax ycHoro Hcyp-Hajiy; oxoni MoncyTb ni^roTyBaTH MyjibTHMe^inHi npe3eHTan.ii.
= L32 ■
Project "Hobbies and interests"
Meia: y3aranbHHTM Ta CMCTeMaTM3yBaTM 3HaHHfl 3 TeMu «Xo6i Ta iHTepecn», BHXOByB3TH ni3HaBa/lbHHM iHTepeC, aKTMBHOCTi, 6a>KaHHB 3 KOpUCTłO npo-BOflUTH Bi/lbHHM Mac; P03BMB3TH TBOpHHX 3fliÓHOCTeM yHHiB. 06/iaflHaHHH: MaTepia/iu ao 3aBAaHb, CTopiHKi/i ycHoro wypHa/iy.
Bha npoeKTy: ycHni/i wypHa/i.
ripi/iBiTaHHfl. rioBiflOM/ieHHH TeMi/i Ta MeTM ypoKy
T. Today’s topie is “Project ‘Hobbies and interests’”.
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